Sunday, March 3, 2013

Family Time- Make it Happen!!!

Time spent with family can never be enough for those of us who work a “9 to 5” it can be quite a challenge, but challenges were created to be conquered! You may ask, how do I find time to go on a vacation with my family or simply have quality time when I...?
  • Work Full-time
  • Go to School Full-time
  • Workout Full-time
  • Have a lot on my agenda
  • Work a 2nd Job in addition to one or all of which is mentioned above 
Listed below is a few things we do in spending quality time:

1.       Game night *if you have children/child play games that incorporate their participation*
·         Monkey in the Middle (
·         Lego’s or building blocks and singing (

*There are so many others just remember to make it fun (*

2.       Movie night
3.       Cooking and having dinner together every evening (if this is not possible because schedule may conflict try breakfast even if it means waking up a little earlier)
 * WRONG OUTLOOK:  If my boss required me to come in earlier I would, but if my family wants me to wake up earlier to have breakfast or pray together I  can’t be bothered. In addition that would take away from my extra sleep for WORK (if this is you, this is the WRONG MINDSET).


4.       Reading Time (Bible story, favorite children book etc…)
5.       Sports Day (work out together it can be as little as 15 – 30 minutes)
6.       Take a mini vacation with your family.
7.       Go to the beach or a day at the park

You work hard so treat yourself and most importantly treat your family they deserve it as much as you do!As for me and my family we had a blast in Orlando this weekend!!! Quality time spent with my lovely husband and daughter PRICELESS!!! LOVE THEM!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Do Not Compromise Form

Drenched in sweat, heart pounding, triceps, and biceps feeling like they’re on fire, and work out attire is soaked as if someone poured a bucket of water on me. These are the signs that you’ve just had a FANTASTIC workout! Challenging but the feeling of accomplishment supersedes it all.

The highlight of tonight’s workout was the trainer reiterating “never compromise form” “take a break but do not compromise the form”. Now, I am going to need you to follow me for a bit because this is going to bless you (in my preacher voice lol).  From experience in compromising the form of my workout I ended up feeling more exhausted in comparison to when I kept the form and rested then continued. In doing so I began to see the benefits immediately (results may vary based on your body and how you lose or gain muscle mass/weight, so don’t be discouraged if you don’t see it right way).
My point is simply this, “Don’t Compromise Form” in whatever you do, if you are a dancer then don’t stop dancing, if you are a singer keep on singing, if you are a writer, preacher, photographer, model, designer, etc… KEEP ON GOING!!! When you get tired, take a break which means to stop for a minute to catch your breath (cool off), but then continue. Do not allow tiredness to get the best of you, do not try to take any short cuts if you want to be the Greatest, there is nothing that should detour you. It takes discipline in order to get the right results/benefits.


Enjoy this video and stay encouraged:



Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Fearless & Move Forward

One of the joys of parenthood is watching your child grow, I look at my daughter who is now a year old and think "wow it seems like just a few days ago I was holding you,  and feeding you". Now she is capable of feeding herself and next she will be potty training etc...

I  can almost see her a few years from now  maturing into this wonderful, ambitious young lady. I must admit the thought of your child being independent is "bitter sweet". Therefore, I cherish each and every moment because it won't last forever and at the rate she is going it won't even last a day. Each day it's something new PROGRESSION and I LOVE IT!!!

Like a child who is not afraid to utilize their ability to grow nor try something new that's how an adult should think "I have the capability so why not"

I DARE YOU to learn something new, try something new, and most of all be YOU don't try to be anyone else and that my friends is progression!

Isaiah 41:10
So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Operation Beach Body (After Pregnancy)

Being a new mom, I imagined having sleepless nights among many other treasures of parenthood. However, how many 1st time moms thought that once your little angel was born, your body would eventually go back to normal (don't raise your hands all at once). Now all women are unique so there are those you just "snapped back" into shape, however for most of us it's not so easy, but don't be discouraged!!! HELP is on the way.  

If you do not work out often or don't work out  at all try starting off slowly by doing things such as walking for 30 mins everyday or 3 days out the week.

Don't have time for outdoors then try to work indoors for at least 30 mins. and just to name a few excercise routines:
  • Jumping Jacks
  • Jump Rope
  • Squats
  • Push Ups
  • Knee Highs
  • Dance to your favorite music/song
  • Find a workout program (on TV, Youtube etc.)
Most important know that you will need patients, discipline and self you find yourself saying "I don't have any time to work out", "I work long hours in addition to going to school" "oh and I am married"...Well guess what these are all EXCUSES DROP THEM!!! Think, I am sick of wearing gurtles and spanks (oh I ain't gonna get no witness on that LOL). Point is, it is going to take hard work!

*Please do consult with your physician before the start of any work out program*

All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty.