Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Do Not Compromise Form

Drenched in sweat, heart pounding, triceps, and biceps feeling like they’re on fire, and work out attire is soaked as if someone poured a bucket of water on me. These are the signs that you’ve just had a FANTASTIC workout! Challenging but the feeling of accomplishment supersedes it all.

The highlight of tonight’s workout was the trainer reiterating “never compromise form” “take a break but do not compromise the form”. Now, I am going to need you to follow me for a bit because this is going to bless you (in my preacher voice lol).  From experience in compromising the form of my workout I ended up feeling more exhausted in comparison to when I kept the form and rested then continued. In doing so I began to see the benefits immediately (results may vary based on your body and how you lose or gain muscle mass/weight, so don’t be discouraged if you don’t see it right way).
My point is simply this, “Don’t Compromise Form” in whatever you do, if you are a dancer then don’t stop dancing, if you are a singer keep on singing, if you are a writer, preacher, photographer, model, designer, etc… KEEP ON GOING!!! When you get tired, take a break which means to stop for a minute to catch your breath (cool off), but then continue. Do not allow tiredness to get the best of you, do not try to take any short cuts if you want to be the Greatest, there is nothing that should detour you. It takes discipline in order to get the right results/benefits.


Enjoy this video and stay encouraged:



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